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Title Concise encyclopedia of languages of the world / coordinating editor Keith Brown, co-editor Sarah Ogilvie.

Published Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier Science, [2009]


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bund  410.3 CONC {Bund23 L2:L}    AVAILABLE
Physical description xxxvi, 1283 pages : maps ; 28 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary "Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World is an authoritative single-volume reference resource comprehensively describing the major languages and language families of the world. It will provide full descriptions of the phonology, semantics, morphology, and syntax of the world's major languages, giving insights into their structure, history and development, sounds, meaning, structure, and language family, thereby both highlighting their diversity for comparative study, and contextualizing them according to their genetic relationships and regional distribution. Based on the highly acclaimed and award-winning Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, this volume will provide an edited collection of almost 400 articles throughout which a representative subset of the world's major languages are unfolded and explained in up-to-date terminology and authoritative interpretation, by the leading scholars in linguistics. In highlighting the diversity of the world's languages - from the thriving to the endangered and extinct - this work will be the first point of call to any language expert interested in this huge area. No other single volume will match the extent of language coverage or the authority of the contributors of Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World."--BOOK JACKET.
Other author Brown, E. K.
Ogilvie, Sarah.
Subject Language and languages -- Encyclopedias.
ISBN 9780080877747 (hardback) £99.99
0080877745 (hardback) £99.99