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Title Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles.

Published Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Giblin Eunson REF  423 SHOR  v.1    NOT FOR LOAN
 UniM Giblin Eunson REF  423 SHOR  v.2    NOT FOR LOAN
Uniform title Oxford English dictionary.
Edition 5th ed. / [editors, William R. Trumble, Angus Stevenson].
Physical description 2 volumes (xxvii, 3750 pages) ; 29 cm
Notes Editor-in-chief, Lesley Brown.
Rev. ed. of: The new shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles. 1993.
Contents v. 1. A-M -- v. 2. N-Z.
Summary A major new edition to the world's most comprehensive guide to the English language, this volume is updated with more than 3,000 new words and meanings in a new open layout.
Other author Brown, Lesley.
Stevenson, Angus.
Trumble, William R.
Subject English language -- Dictionaries.
Other uniform title New shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles.
ISBN 0198605757
0198604572 (thumb index)