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Title Unearthing Franco's legacy : mass graves and the recovery of historical memory in Spain / edited by Carlos Jerez-Farrán and Samuel Amago.

Published Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, [2010]


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  946.082 UNEA    AVAILABLE
Physical description xii, 394 pages : portraits ; 23 cm.
Series Contemporary European politics and society
Contemporary European politics and society.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 345-371) and index.
Contents Introduction / Carlos Jerez-Farran, Samuel Amago -- Violence and silence: the repressed history of the Franco regime / Soledad Fox -- Theorists of extermination: the origins of violence in the Spanish Civil War / Paul Preston -- Spanish church and the Civil War: between persecution and repression / Hilari Raguer Suner -- Faces of terror: violence during the Franco dictatorship / Julian Casanova -- Grand narratives, collective memory, and social history: public uses of the past in postwar Spain / Michael Richards -- "El documental es un arma cargada de pasado": representation in documentary and testimony / Anne E. Hardcastle -- Investigative jouranlism as a tool for recovering historical memory / Montse Armengou Martin -- Mass graves on Spanish TV: a tale of two documentaries / Gina Hermann.
Testimonies of repression: methodological and political issues / Jo Labanyi -- Toward a pragmatic version of memory: what could the Spanish Civil War mean to contemporary Spain? / Antonio Gomez Lopez-Quinones -- tWeight of memory and the lightness of oblivion: the dead of the Spanish Civil War / Joan Ramon Resina -- Speaking for the dead: history, narrative, and the ghostly in Javier Cerca's war novels / Samuel Amago -- Memory politics among perpetrators and bereaved relatives about Spain's mass graves / Antonius C.G.M. Robben -- Rupture of the world and the conflicts of memory / Ignacio Fernandez de Mata -- Intimacy of defeat: exhumations in contemporary Spain / Francisco Ferrandiz -- Grandsons of their grandfathers: an afterword / Giles Tremlett.
Other author Jerez Farrán, Carlos, 1950-
Amago, Samuel, 1974-
Subject Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975 -- Influence.
Political violence -- Spain -- History -- 20th century.
Murder -- Spain -- History -- 20th century.
Mass burials -- Spain -- History -- 20th century.
Collective memory -- Spain.
Spain -- Politics and government -- 1931-1939.
Spain -- Politics and government -- 1939-1975.
Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939.
Spain -- Social conditions -- 1975-
ISBN 9780268032685 (paper ; alkaline paper)
0268032688 (paper ; alkaline paper)