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Title Introduction to new and alternative religions in America / edited by Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft.

Published Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 5 volumes
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents v. 1. History and controversies: Introduction / Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft -- New religious movements in American history / Timothy Miller -- Leadership in new religious movements / Eugene V. Gallagher -- Affiliation and disaffiliation careers in new religious movements / David G. Bromley -- New religious movements and the law / James T. Richardson -- New religious movements and globalization / Jeffrey Kaplan -- Critiquing cults: a historical perspective / J. Gordon Melton -- Evangelical Christian countercult movement / Douglas E. Cowan -- New religious movements and violence / Catherine Wessinger -- Gender in new and alternative religions / Mary Farrell Bednarowski -- Children in new religious movements: the Mormon experience / Michael Homer -- Same-sex eroticism and gender fluidity in new and alternative religions / Medissa M. Wilcox -- Millennial destiny: a history of millennialism in America / Dereck Daschke -- v. 2. Jewish and Christian traditions: Introduction / Eugene V, Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft -- The Shakers / Suzanne Thurman -- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints / Terryl L. Givens -- The Adventist tradition / Douglas Morgan -- Jehovah's Witnesses / David L. Widdle -- Christian Science / John K. Simmons -- Peoples Temple: a typical cult? / Rebecca Moore -- The Children of God [now known as] The Family / James D. Chandler -- The Branch Dividians / Eugene V. Gallagher -- Christian Identity: an American millennial mythology / Philip Lamy -- Judaism and Christianity Unite! ; the unique culture of Messianic Judaism / Yaakov Ariel -- v. 3. Metaphysical, New Age, and neopagan movements: Introduction / Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft -- Sweden- borgianism / Jane Williams-Hogan -- Spiritualism / Robert S. Cox -- The Theosophical Society / Robert Ellwood -- The American New Thought Movement / Dell deChant -- North American Esotericism / Arthur Versluis -- Eckankar / David Christopher Lane -- The New Age: a Twentieth Century movement / Susan Love Brown -- Contemporary Shamanism / Dagmar Wernitznig -- The worship of the goddess in feminist spirituality in the United States / Cynthia Eller -- Wives, witchcraft, and modern paganism / Douglas E. Cowan -- Learning about paganism / Helen A. Berger -- New and alternative religions in the United States: ritual and neopaganism / Adrian Harris and M. Macha NightMare -- v. 4. Asian traditions: Introduction / Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft -- The Vedanta Society / Robin Rinehart -- The Hari Krishna movement: beginnings, change, and transformation / E. Burke Rochford, Jr. -- Soka Gakkai: a human revolution / David W. Machacek -- From Guru Maharaj Ji to Prem Rawat: paradign shifts over the period of 40 years as a "Master" (1966-2006) / Ben Geaves -- Adidam / Scott Lowe -- Buddhism in America / Jeff Wilson -- Tibetan Buddhism in the United States / Daniel Cozort -- The Unification Church/Movement in the United States / Michael L. Mickler -- The Baha'is of the United States / Robert H. Stockman -- v. 5. African diaspora traditions and other American innovations: Introduction / Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft -- Part I: The Nation of Islam / Nora L. Rubel -- Alternative to "Religion" in an African American Islamic community: the Five Percent Nation of Gods and Earth / Kathleen Malone O'Connor -- Black Israelites aka Black Jews aka Black Hebrews: Black Israe lism, Black Judaism, Judaic Christianity / Jacob Dorman -- Santeria / Mary Ann Clark -- Rastafarianism / Dawn L. Hutchinson -- Vodou in the United States: the case of New Orleans / Ina Johanna Fandrich -- Part II: Satanism and the Church of Jesus / Eugene V. Gallagher -- The Church of Scientology / Douglas E. Cowan and David G. Bromley -- Heaven's Gate / Rosamond C. Rodman -- UFO(s and) religion / Brenda Denzler -- The Raelian Movement / George D. Chryssides -- New and alternative religions in American / Bron Taylor and Joseph Dylan Witt.
Summary Annotation. <p>Most new or alternative religious are gravely misunderstood by members of the religious mainstream. Labeled cults or sects, groups and their members are often ridiculed or otherwise disregarded as weird and potentially dangerous by the populace at large. Despite their efforts at educating the general public, the various anti- and counter-cult activists have in fact promoted much more mis-understanding than accurate understanding of the religious lives of some of their fellow citizens. Consequently, they have helped to create a very hostile environment for anyone whose religious practices do not fit within a so-called mainstream. This set rectifies the situation by presenting accurate, comprehensive, authoritative and accessible accounts of various new and alternative religious movements that have been and are active in American society, and it addresses ways of understanding new and alternative religions within a broader context.</p><p></p><p>Determining what actually constitutes a new or alternative religion is a subject of constant debate. Questions arise as to a new faith's legitimacy, beliefs, methods of conversion, and other facets of a religious movement's viability and place in a given culture. How a religion gains recognition by the mainstream, which often labels such new movements as cults, is fraught with difficulty, tension, and fear. Here, experts delineate the boundaries and examine the various groups, beliefs, movements, and other issues related to new faiths and alternative beliefs. Readers will come away with a fuller understanding of the religious landscape in America today. </p><p><i>Volume 1: History and Controversies</i> discusses the foundations of new and alternative religions in the United States and addresses the controversies that surround them. This volume helps readers better understand what makes a new or alternative belief system a religion and the issues involved. </p><p><i>Volume 2: Jewish and Christian Traditions</i> explores the various new religions that have grown out of these two Abrahamic faiths. Groups such as the Shakers, the People's Temple, the Branch Davidians, Jehovah's Witnesses and others are examined. </p><p><i>Volume 3: Metaphysical, New Age, and Neopagan Movements</i> looks at Shamanism, Spiritualism, Wicca, and Paganism, among other movements, as they have developed and grown in the U.S. These faiths have found new and devoted followers yet are often misunderstood. </p><p><i>Volume 4: Asian Traditions</i> focuses on those new and alternative religions that have been inspired by Asian religious traditions. From Baha'i to Soka Gakkai, from Adidam to the Vedanta Society, contributors look at a full range of groups practicing and worshiping in the U.S. today. </p><p><i>Volume 5: African Diaspora Traditions and Other American Innovations</i> examines the various traditions linked to the African diaspora such as Rastafarianism, Santeria, and the Nation of Islam, alongside traditions that are truly American incarnations like Scientology, UFO religions, and Heaven's Gate. Some of the new and alternative religions covered in these pages include:</p><p>; Shamanism</p><p>; Wicca</p><p>; Black Israelites</p><p>; Santeria</p><p>; Scientology</p><p>; Elan Vital</p><p>; Hare Krishna</p><p>; Soka Gakkai</p><p>; and many more</p>
Usage Terms British Library not licensed to copy 0. Uk
Other author Gallagher, Eugene V.
Ashcraft, W. Michael, 1955-
Subject Cults -- United States.
Sects -- United States.
United States -- Religion -- 1960-
ISBN 0275987124 (set ; alk. paper)
9780275987121 (set ; alk. paper)
0275987132 (v. 1 ; alk. paper)
9780275987138 (v. 1 ; alk. paper)
0275987140 (v. 2 ; alk. paper)
9780275987145 (v. 2 ; alk. paper)
0275987159 (v. 3 ; alk. paper)
9780275987152 (v. 3 ; alk. paper)
0275987167 (v. 4 ; alk. paper)
9780275987169 (v. 4 ; alk. paper)
0275987175 (v. 5 ; alk. paper)
9780275987176 (v. 5 ; alk. paper)