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Title The new politics of the Right : neo-Populist parties and movements in established democracies / edited by Hans-Georg Betz and Stefan Immerfall.

Published New York : St. Martinʼs Press, 1998.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  324.21309048 NEW    AVAILABLE
Edition 1st ed.
Physical description xi, 268 pages ; 22 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Introduction / Hans-Georg Betz -- 1. The French National Front / Nonna Mayer -- 2. The Freedom Party of Austria: From Protest to Radical Right Populism / Max Riedlsperger -- 3. Against Rome: The Lega Nord / Hans-Georg Betz -- 4. The Extreme Right in Belgium: Of a Non-existent Front National and an Omnipresent Vlaams Blok / Marc Swyngedouw -- 5. Scandinavian Right-Wing Radicalism / Lars Sudsand -- 6. Radical Right-Wing Parties in Contemporary Germany / Jurgen R. Winkler and Siegfried Schumann -- 7. The Netherlands: The Extremist Center Parties / Paul Lucardie -- 8. Contemporary Radical-Right Parties in Switzerland: History of a Divided Family / Pierre Gentile and Hanspeter Kriesi -- 9. Britain: The BNP and the Problem of Legitimacy / Roger Eatwell -- 10. The Iberian Peninsula and Greece: Retreat from the Radical Right? / Thomas C. Davis -- 11. The Populist Right in Canada: The Rise of the Reform Party of Canada / Neil Nevitte, Andre Blais and Elisabeth Gidengil [et al.].
12. New Zealand First / Raymond Miller -- 13. Pauline Hanson and One Nation / Carol Johnson -- 14. Bharatiya Janata Party: Searching for the Hindu Nationalist Face / Walter K. Andersen -- 15. Prophetic Neo-Populists: The New Christian Right and Party Politics in the United States / Michael Lienesch -- Conclusion: The Neo-Populist Agenda / Stefan Immerfall.
Summary In the early 1980s right-wing populist parties and movements began to stage a dramatic comeback throughout a growing number of democratically-based countries. Appealing to public anxieties in the wake of rapid economic change, these movements succeeded in mobilizing and exploiting popular resentments against immigrants, minorities, and the political establishment. As a result, the radical populist Right has become a severe and potentially destabilizing threat to the democratic system. In New Politics of the Right, a top-notch array of scholars analyzes the recent wave of right-wing populist organization in four different regions of the world: Western Europe, North America, South Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. Each chapter provides a brief history of right-wing activity in that given country, an examination of the right-wing program, a discussion of its support, and an account of its impact on the established political parries. The authors then offer chilling predictions of what to expect in the future given continued upheavals in the global economy. New Politics of the Right is a comprehensive look at the dangerous spread of right-wing radicalism throughout the "free" world.
Other author Betz, Hans-Georg, 1956-
Immerfall, Stefan.
Subject Conservatism.
Right and left (Political science)
Political parties.
ISBN 0312211341
0312213387 (paperback)