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Author Wollheim, Richard, 1923-2003, compiler.

Title Freud: a collection of critical essays.

Published Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Books, 1974.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  150.1952 F889.F    MISSING
Edition [1st ed.]
Physical description xv, 416 pages ; 21 cm.
Series Modern studies in philosophy ; APO-22.
Modern studies in philosophy ; APO-22.
Contents Wollheim, R. Introduction.--Wittgenstein, L. Conversations on Freud.--Nagel, T. Freud's anthropomorphism.--Solomon, R. C. Freud's neurological theory of mind.--Weiss, F. Meaning and dream interpretation.--Sartre, J.-P. Mauvaise foi and the unconscious.--Fingarette, H. Self-deception and the "splitting of the ego."--Pears, D. Freud, Sartre, and self-deception.--Hampshire, S. Disposition and memory.--Sachs, D. On Freud's doctrine of emotions.--Thalberg, I. Freud's anatomies of the self.--Wollheim, R. Identification and imagination.--De Sousa, R. Norms and the normal.--O'Shaughnessy, B. The id and the thinking process.--Boden, M. A. Freudian mechanisms of defence: a programming perspective.--Salmon, W. C. Psychoanalytic theory and evidence.--Alexander P. Rational behaviour and psychoanalytic explanation.--Glymour, C. Freud, Kepler, and the clinical evidence.--Mischel, T. Concerning rational behaviour and psychoanalytic explanation.--Wisdom, J. O. Testing an interpretation within a session.--Marshall, J. C. Freud's psychology of language.--Neu, J. Genetic explanation in Totem and taboo.--Works of Freud cited (p. [394]-397)--Bibliography (p. [398]-402)
Subject Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939.
ISBN 0385079702