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Title The vestibular system / Stephen M. Highstein, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper, editors.

Published New York : Springer, 2004.


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 1 online resource (xvi, 560 pages) : illustrations
Series Springer handbook of auditory research ; v. 19
Springer handbook of auditory research ; v. 19.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Central and Peripheral Vestibular System : Overview / Stephen M. Highstein -- 2. Molecular Genetics of Vestibular Organ Development / Weise Chang [and others] -- 3. Morphophysiology of the Vestibular Periphery / Anna Lysakowski and Jay M. Goldberg -- 4. Biomechanics of the Semicircular Canals and Otolith Organs / Richard D. Rabbitt, Edward R. Damiano, and J. Wallace Grant -- 5. Sensory Processing and Ionic Currents in Vestibular Hair Cells / Antoinette Steinacker -- 6. The Physiology of the Vestibuloocular Reflex (VOR) / Bernard Cohen and Theodore Raphan -- 7. Vestibuloautonomic Interactions : A Teleologic Perspective / C.D. Balaban and B.J. Yates -- 8. Vestibulocollic Reflexes / Barry W. Peterson and Richard Boyle -- 9. Gain and Phase Control of Compensatory Eye Movements by the Flocculus of the Vestibulocerebellum / Chris I. De Zeeuw [and others] -- 10. Localizing Sites for Plasticity in the Vestibular System / A.M. Green, Y. Hirata, H.L. Galiana, and S.M. Highstein -- 11. Clinical Applications of Basic Vestibular Research / G. Michael Halmagyi [and others].
Summary The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of synthetic reviews of fundamental topics dealing with auditory systems. Each volume is independent and authoritative; taken as a set, this series will be the definitive resource in the field. This volume contains a coherent collection of synthetic reviews on the vestibular system: the component of our auditory and nervous systems that is responsible for our sense of balance. This volume will be of interest to neuroscientists and otolaryngologists involved in studying the vestibular and auditory senses.
Other author Highstein, Stephen M.
Fay, Richard R.
Popper, Arthur N.
Subject Vestibular apparatus.
Electronic books.
ISBN 0387215670 (electronic bk.)
9780387215679 (electronic bk.)
Standard Number 10.1007/b97280