Edition |
1st ed. |
Physical description |
xx, 874 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 25 cm |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Contents |
1 Land of Lost Things 3 -- 2 Rainbow on the Roof 11 -- 3 A Dark Form Half Hidden in the Snow 24 -- 4 A World Elsewhere 44 -- 5 Chimes at Midnight 64 -- 6 Air and Water 76 -- 7 Indifferent Figure in the Sand: A Review 92 -- 8 Long Blue Shadows 108 -- 9 Inside Story 133 -- 10 Love Is on the Air 144 -- 11 On the Beach with Ronnie and Jane 150 -- 12 A Lonely Impulse of Delight 168 -- 13 End of the Beginning 180 -- 14 Celluloid Commandos 196 -- 15 Regeneration of the World 218 -- 16 Star Power: A Dialogue 235 -- 17 Down the Divide: Four Short Scenarios 249 -- 18 Red or Palest Pink: A Letter 260 -- 19 This Dismal Wilderness 263 -- Intermission -- 20 And Then Along Came Nancy 277 -- 21 Unexplored Mystery of Ploughed Ground 284 -- 22 Remember Old Ma Reagan: A Studio Interview, 1954 298 -- 23 Ladies and Gentlemen of the California Fertilizer Association: A Speech 302 -- 24 Dark Days 311 -- 25 Reagan Country 345 -- 26 A Sixty-Year-Old Smiling Public Man 366 -- 27 Ripple Effect 386 -- 28 I, Ronald Wilson Reagan 410 -- 29 Back into the Iron Vest 434 -- 30 Huge Cloudy Symbols of a High Romance 469 -- 31 Physicians of Memory 508 -- 32 Almost Air Force One 540 -- 33 One on One 550 -- 34 Explosions 576 -- 35 Beginning of the End 589 -- 36 Album Leaves, 1987-1988 617 -- 37 Shining City 641. |
Summary |
"When Ronald Reagan moved into the White House in 1981, one of his first literary guests was Edmund Morris, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer of Theodore Roosevelt. Morris developed a fascination for the genial yet inscrutable President and, after Reagan's landslide reelection in 1984, put aside the second volume of his life of Roosevelt to become an observing eye and ear at the White House."--BOOK JACKET. |
"Thus began a long biographical pilgrimage to the heart of Ronald Reagan's mystery, beginning with his birth in 1911 in the depths of rural Illinois (where he is still remembered as "Dutch," the dreamy son of an alcoholic father and a fiercely religious mother) and progressing through the way stations of an amazingly varied career: young lifeguard (he saved seventy-seven lives), aspiring writer, ace sportscaster, film star, soldier, union leader, corporate spokesman, Governor, and President. Reagan granted Morris full access to his personal papers, including early autobiographical stories and a handwritten White House diary."--BOOK JACKET. |
"During thirteen years of obsessive archival research and interviews with Reagan and his family, friends, admirers and enemies (the book's enormous dramatis personae includes such varied characters as Mikhail Gorbachev, Michelangelo Antonioni, Elie Wiesel, Mario Savio, Francois Mitterrand, Grant Wood, and Zippy the Pinhead), Morris lived what amounted to a doppelganger life, studying the young "Dutch," the middle-aged Cold Warrior, and the septuagenarian Chief Executive with a closeness and dispassion, not to mention alternations of amusement, horror, and amazed respect, unmatched by any other presidential biographer."--BOOK JACKET. |
Subject |
Reagan, Ronald.
Presidents -- United States -- Biography.
Governors -- California -- Biography.
Motion picture actors and actresses -- United States -- Biography.
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