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Title From Roman provinces to Medieval kingdoms / edited by Thomas F.X. Noble.

Published London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Store  940.1 FROM MF20    AVAILABLE
Physical description xxv, 402 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Series Rewriting histories.
Rewriting histories.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Introduction : Romans, barbarians, and the transformation of the Roman Empire / Thomas F. X. Noble -- 1. The crisis of European identity / Patrick J. Geary -- 2. Gothic history as historical ethnography / Herwig Wolfram -- 3. Origo et religio : ethnic traditions and literature in early medieval texts / Herwig Wolfram -- 4. Does the distant past impinge on the invasion age Germans? / Walter Goffart -- 5. Defining the Franks : Frankish origins in early medieval historiography / Ian Wood -- 6. Telling the difference : signs of ethnic identity / Walter Pohl -- 7. Gender and ethnicity in the early Middle Ages / Walter Pohl -- 8. Grave goods and the ritual expression of identity / Bonnie Effros -- 9. The barbarians in late antiquity and how they were accommodated in the West / Walter Goffart -- 10. Archaeologists and migrations : a problem of attitude? / Heinrich Harke -- 11. Movers and shakers : the barbarians and the fall of Rome / Guy Halsall -- 12. Foedera and foederati of the fourth century / Peter J. Heather -- 13. Cities, taxes, and the accommodation of the barbarians / Wolf Liebeschutz -- 14. The two faces of King Childeric : history, archaeology, historiography / Stephane Lebecq -- 15. Frankish victory celebrations / Michael McCormick -- 16. Administration, law, and culture in Merovingian Gaul / Ian Wood -- 17. 'Pax et disciplina' : Roman public law and the Merovingian state / Alexander Callander Murray.
Other author Noble, Thomas F. X.
Subject Middle Ages.
Europe -- History -- 476-1492.
ISBN 0415327415 (alkaline paper)
0415327423 (paperback: alkaline paper)
Standard Number 9780415327411