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Title Architecture and construction in steel / edited by Alan Blanc, Michael McEvoy, Roger Plank.

Published London ; New York : E & F N Spon, 1993.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Archit  691.7 ARCH    AVAILABLE
Physical description xix, 619 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Summary A comprehensive guide to the successful use of steel in buildings and an essential scourcebook for all those concerned with architecture in steel. Leading architects and engineers review the theory and concepts of steel constuction as a basis for successful design providing the most up-to-date information available on steel materials and constuction technologies.
Other author Blanc, Alan.
McEvoy, Michael.
Plank, Roger.
Subject Building, Iron and steel.
Building, Iron and steel -- Case studies.
Steel, Structural.
ISBN 0419176608