Physical description |
xiii, 353 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographic references and index. |
Contents |
1.2 Wavelet transform 2 -- 2 Continuous wavelet transform 6 -- 2.2 Wavelet 6 -- 2.3 Requirements for the wavelet 9 -- 2.4 Energy spectrum of the wavelet 9 -- 2.5 Wavelet transform 11 -- 2.6 Identification of coherent structures 14 -- 2.7 Edge detection 21 -- 2.8 Inverse wavelet transform 25 -- 2.9 Signal energy: wavelet-based energy and power spectra 28 -- 2.10 Wavelet transform in terms of the Fourier transform 33 -- 2.11 Complex wavelets: the Morlet wavelet 35 -- 2.12 Wavelet transform, short time Fourier transform and Heisenberg boxes 45 -- 2.13 Adaptive transforms: matching pursuits 51 -- 2.14 Wavelets in two or more dimensions 55 -- 2.15 CWT: computation, boundary effects and viewing 56 -- 3 Discrete wavelet transform 65 -- 3.2 Frames and orthogonal wavelet bases 65 -- 3.3 Discrete input signals of finite length 77 -- 3.4 Everything discrete 91 -- 3.5 Daubechies wavelets 104 -- 3.6 Translation invariance 117 -- 3.7 Biorthogonal wavelets 119 -- 3.8 Two-dimensional wavelet transforms 121 -- 3.9 Adaptive transforms: wavelet packets 133 -- 4 Fluids 144 -- 4.2 Statistical measures 145 -- 4.3 Engineering flows 160 -- 4.4 Geophysical flows 178 -- 4.5 Other applications in fluids and further resources 187 -- 5 Engineering testing, monitoring and characterization 189 -- 5.2 Machining processes: control, chatter, wear and breakage 189 -- 5.3 Rotating machinery 195 -- 5.4 Dynamics 202 -- 5.5 Chaos 208 -- 5.6 Non-destructive testing 211 -- 5.7 Surface characterization 221 -- 5.8 Other applications in engineering and further resources 224 -- 6 Medicine 230 -- 6.2 Electrocardiogram 230 -- 6.3 Neuroelectric waveforms 248 -- 6.4 Pathological sounds, ultrasounds and vibrations 258 -- 6.5 Blood flow and blood pressure 267 -- 6.6 Medical imaging 270 -- 6.7 Other applications in medicine 275 -- 7 Fractals, finance, geophysics and other areas 278 -- 7.2 Fractals 278 -- 7.3 Finance 294 -- 7.4 Geophysics 298 -- 7.5 Other areas 309. |
Summary |
This book provides an overview of the theory and practical applications of wavelet transform methods. The author uses several hundred illustrations, some in color, to convey mathematical concepts and the results of applications. The book first presents an overview of the wavelet transform, followed by a discussion of the mathematics of both discrete and continuous wavelet transforms. The book concludes with applications in a variety of subject areas, making the reader aware of the similarities that exist in the use of wavelet transform analysis across disciplines. A comprehensive list of more than 700 references provides a valuable resource for further study. |
Subject |
Wavelets (Mathematics)
0750306920 £35.00 |