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Author Hainsworth, D. R. (David Roger), 1931-

Title The Anglo-Dutch naval wars 1652-1674 / Roger Hainsworth and Christine Churches.

Published Stroud, Gloucestershire : Sutton Pub., 1998.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  949.204 HAIN    AVAILABLE
Physical description viii, 212 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-205) and index.
Contents Book 1 First Dutch War -- 1 First Blood 3 -- 2 Rival Republics 7 -- 3 First Campaigns: From the Shetlands to the Casquets 23 -- 4 From Triumph to Defeat 35 -- 5 Portland 57 -- 6 Last Battles 71 -- 7 Peacemakers 89 -- Book 2 Later Wars -- 8 Uneasy Peace 97 -- 9 A New War: Lowestoft 103 -- 10 Four-Day Fight 129 -- 11 From Success to Humiliation 149 -- 12 A Conspiracy of Princes 169.
Summary "During the course of the seventeenth century, England and the Netherlands three times found themselves at war in the North Sea."--BOOK JACKET. "In this study of the wars, Roger Hainsworth and Christine Churches take us through the background, causes and the course of the wars, illuminating all the battles and the political goings-on that lay behind them. The tactics of battle and the famous naval heroics of such men as Robert Blake, Cornelis Tromp and Michiel de Ruyter are all explored in absorbing detail."--BOOK JACKET. "This fascinating book will be of interest to anyone wishing to learn more about naval history, the seventeenth century or the history of warfare generally."--BOOK JACKET.
Other author Churches, Christine, 1945-
Subject Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-1654.
Anglo-Dutch War, 1664-1667.
Dutch War, 1672-1678.
Great Britain -- History, Naval -- Stuarts, 1603-1714.
Netherlands -- History, Naval -- 17th century.
ISBN 0750917873