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0890050104 : Corpus of the ancient coins of Athens / by John N. Svoronos ; completed after the author's death by Behrendt Pick ; English translation by L.W. Higgie.  1975 1
0890050201 : Polyaenus's stratagems of war / translated from the original Greek by R. Shepherd.  1974 1
0890050287 : A history of the later Roman Empire, a supplement containing the emperors from Basil II to Isaac Komnenos (A.D. 976-1057), and other essays on Byzantine history / by J. B. Bury. With an appendix on The patriarchs of Constantinople / by C. V. Cobham.  1974 1
0890050651 : Historical Roman coins / by G.F. Hill.  1976 1
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0890051100 : Recueil d'inscriptions grecques : suppleément / par Charles Michel.  1976 1
0890051119 : Inscriptiones nunc Cairo in museo : catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 9201-9400, 26001-26123, 33001-33037 : Greek inscriptions / edidit J.G. Milne.  1976 1
089005116x : Saxa loquuntur : a bibliography of epigraphic publications on Greek inscriptions / J.J.E. Hondius.  1976 1
0890051208 : The form of the ancient Greek letter of the epistolary papyri, 3rd c. B.C. - 3rd c. A.D. : a study in Greek epistolography / by Francis Xavier J. Exler.  1976 1
0890051240 : The Riviera, ancient and modern : an introduction to the archaeology, history and topography of the southern coast of France / by Charles Lentheric. Tr. by Charles West.  1976 1
0890051712 : Inscriptiones graecae Ptolemaicae : Sammlung griechischer Ptolemäer-Inschriften IGP I, SGPI.  1976 1
0890051755 : Ora maritima, or, Description of the seacoast (from Brittany round to Massilia) / Rufus Festus Avienus ; Latin text with facing English translation, commentary, notes, indices and facsimile of the Editio princeps / by J.P. Murphy.  1977 1
089005178x : The ancient amber routes and the geographical discovery of the Eastern Baltic / by Arnolds Spekke.  1976 1
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