0895742772 : Modern developments in cholinergic (muscarinic) receptors and drugs : proceedings of a symposium / organized by the Dutch Pharmacological Society in Oss, The Netherlands, on September 18, 1987 ; edited by P.A. van Zwieten and E. Schönbaum.
0895742799 : Neuroimaging II / editors, F. Aichner, F. Gerstenbrand, N. Grcević.
0895742802 : Viral and autoimmune hepatitis : morphologic and pathogenetic aspects of cell damage in hepatitis with potential chronicity / by Hans Peter Dienes.
0895742888 : Trends in vertebrate morphology : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Vertebrate Morphology, Vienna, 1986 / edited by Heinz Splechtna and Helge Hilgers.
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0895743140 : Biology and physiology of amphibians : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biology and Physiology of Amphibians, held at Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany, August 31-September 3, 1988 / edited by Wilfried Hanke.
0895770075 : Reader's Digest treasury of best loved songs : 114 all-time family favorites, pleasure programmed for your greater entertainment / Editor: William L. Simon ; associates: Letitia B. Kehoe, Alan Blackman, Bruce Macomber ; supervising editor: W. A. H. Birnie ; music arr. and edited by Dan Fox.