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Author Franz, Marie-Luise von, 1915-1998.

Title Alchemy : an introduction to the symbolism and the psychology / Marie-Louise von Franz.

Published Toronto : Inner City Books, [1980]


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Store QA  23623    AVAILABLE
Physical description 280 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Series Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts ; 5.
Studies in Jungian psychology ; 5.
Notes Based on a series of lectures given in 1959 at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.
Includes index.
Summary Shows the secret goal of alchemy to be the transformation of the personality, the search for wholeness. Invaluable for interpreting images in modern dreams and for an understanding of relationships.
Local note UniM Store copy donated by Dr Gertrude Spencer
Subject Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961.
Symbolism (Psychology)
Local donor Spencer, Gertrude. Donor.
Local series Gertrude Spencer Collection
ISBN 091912304X (paperback) $15.00