0937294896 : Geographic information systems for resource management : a compendium / William J. Ripple, editor.
0937294985 : GIS '87--San Francisco : --into the hands of the decision maker : Second Annual International Conference, Exhibits, and Workshops on Geographic Information Systems, Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California, October 26-30, 1987 / sponsored by American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, University of California, Berkeley.
0937294993 : GIS '87--San Francisco : --into the hands of the decision maker : Second Annual International Conference, Exhibits, and Workshops on Geographic Information Systems, Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California, October 26-30, 1987 / sponsored by American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, University of California, Berkeley.
0937299138 : Clean water and toxic waste : at what cost, for what gain? : an analysis of California's Proposition 65 / by Dr. Edward J. Burger, Jr., Michele Beigel Corash, and Peter Barton Hutt ; introduction by Darrell M. Trent ; supervising editor, Irene A. Jacoby.
0937299154 : Ethics, politics and the independent counsel : executive power, executive vice, 1789-1989 / Terry Eastland.
0937311006 : Homecoming : the art and life of William H. Johnson / Richard J. Powell ; introduction by Martin Puryear.
0937311049 : Between home and heaven : contemporary American landscape photography from the Consolidated Natural Gas Company Collection of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution / essays by Merry A. Foresta, Stephen Jay Gould, Karal Ann Marling.
0937311057 : ¡Printing the revolution! : the rise and impact of Chicano graphics, 1965 to now / edited by E. Carmen Ramos ; contributions by E. Carmen Ramos, Tatiana Reinoza, Terezita Romo, and Claudia E. Zapata.
0937311073 : Jacob Kainen / curated by Walter Hopps ; essays by William C. Agee and Avis Berman.
0937311081 : Jacob Kainen / curated by Walter Hopps ; essays by William C. Agee and Avis Berman.