0972969624 : Else/where : mapping new cartographies of networks and territories / Janet Abrams + Peter Hall, editors.
0972970401 : Living through the forgotten war : portrait of Korea / Patrick Dowdey, editor ; with contributions by Bruce Cumings, John Kie-chiang Oh and Wei Hsin Gui.
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097297430x : E. Francis Baldwin, architect : the B&O, Baltimore, and beyond / Carlos P. Avery ; foreword by Herbert H. Harwood ; intrduction by Michael J. Lewis.
0972976566 : All quiet on the western front : unabridged and unadapted from the original text and with twenty-eight related readings / Erich Maria Remarque.
09729941 : Journal of minimal access surgery [electronic resource] .
09729976 : International Journal of Tomography & Statistics [electronic resource]
09729984 : International Journal of Ecology & Development [electronic resource]
0972bdopusarteset : L'Orfeo : favola in musica / componist, Claudio Monteverdi ; libretto, Alessandro Striggio ; regie, Pierre Audi ; regie, Hans Hulscher ; een co-productie van De Nederlandse Opera en de NPS.