Affluenza : the all consuming epidemic / John de Graaf, David Wann, Thomas H. Naylor in association with Redefining Progress ; illustrations by David Horsey ; foreword by Scott Simon.
"Based in part on the PBS television programs "Affluenza" and "Escape from affluenza."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 251-259) and index.
Pt. 1. Symptoms -- 1. Shopping Fever -- 2. A Rash of Bankruptcies -- 3. Swollen Expectations -- 4. Chronic Congestion -- 5. The Stress of Excess -- 6. Family Convulsions -- 7. Dilated Pupils -- 8. Community Chills -- 9. An Ache for Meaning -- 10. Social Scars -- 11. Resource Exhaustion -- 12. Industrial Diarrhea -- 13. The Addictive Virus -- 14. Dissatisfaction Guaranteed -- Pt. 2. Causes -- 15. Original Sin -- 16. An Ounce of Prevention -- 17. The Road Not Taken -- 18. An Emerging Epidemic -- 19. The Age of Affluenza -- 20. Is There a (Real) Doctor in the House? -- Pt. 3. Treatment -- 21. The Road to Recovery -- 22. Bed Rest -- 23. Aspirin and Chicken Soup -- 24. Fresh Air -- 25. The Right Medicine -- 26. Back to Work -- 27. Vaccinations and Vitamins -- 28. Political Prescriptions -- 29. Annual Check-Ups -- 30. Healthy Again.