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1584774061 : Nomothetēs, the interpreter : containing the genuine signification of such obscure words and terms used either in the common or statute lawes of this realm / first compiled by the learned Dr. Cowel, and now enlarged from the collections of all others who have written in this kind.  2004 1
1584774150 : Nomo-lexikon : a law-dictionary : interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern lawes ... / by Thomas Blount.  2004 1
1584774177 : A commercial dictionary : containing the present state of mercantile law, practice, and custom / by Joshua Montefiore.  2004 1
15847742159781584774211 : The legal property relations of married parties : a study in comparative legislation / by Isidor Loeb.  2004 1
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1584774622 : Salem witchcraft : comprising More wonders of the invisible world, collected by Robert Calef and, Wonders of the invisible world by Cotton Mather / together with notes and explanations by Samuel P. Fowler.  2005 1
1584774843 : Vocabulum, or, The rogue's lexicon : compiled from the most authentic sources / by George W. Matsell.  2005 1
1584775009 : A republic of nations : a study of the organization of a federal league of nations / by Raleigh C. Minor.  2005 1
1584775157 : Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States : with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states, before the adoption of the Constitution / by Joseph Story.  2005 1
1584775351 : Sententiae selectae pertinentes ad materiam praxios rerum criminalium et aliarum partium iuris scientiarumque / auctore, Iodoco Damhouderio.  2005 1
1584775491 : Court-hand restored, or, The student's assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records etc. : neatly engraved on twenty-three copper plates, describing the old law hands, with their contractions and abbreviations / by Andrew Wright.  2006 1
1584775653 : A treatise on the law of copyright in books, dramatic and musical compositions, letters and other manuscripts, engravings and sculpture : as enacted and administered by England and America : with some notices of the history of literary property / by George Ticknor Curtis.  2005 1
1584775688 : The American Revolution : a constitutional interpretation / by Charles Howard McIlwain.  2005 1
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