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Author Haldon, John F.

Title Warfare, state and society in the Byzantine world, 565-1204 / John Haldon.

Published London : UCL Press, 1999.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  949.502 HALD    AVAILABLE
Physical description x, 389 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Series Warfare and history.
Warfare and history.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents 1 Fighting for peace: attitudes to warfare in Byzantium 13 -- 2 Warfare and the East Roman state: geography and strategy 34 -- 3 Protect and survive: a brief history of East Roman strategic arrangements 67 -- 4 Organizing for war: the administration of military structures 107 -- 5 Army at war: campaigns 139 -- 6 Army at war: combat 190 -- 7 Warfare and society 234 -- Warfare and society in Byzantium: some concluding remarks 275 -- 1 Weights and loads 281 -- 2 Feeding armies: grain 284 -- 3 Daily rations 287.
Summary Warfare, State and Society in the Byzantine World is the first comprehensive study of warfare and the Byzantine world from the sixth to the twelfth century.
The book examines Byzantine attitudes to warfare, the effects of war on society and culture, and the relations between the soldiers, their leaders and society. The communications, logistics, resources and manpower capabilities of the Byzantine Empire are explored to set warfare in its geographical as well as historical context. In addition to the strategic and tactical evolution of the army, this book analyses the army in campaign and in battle, and its attitudes to violence in the context of the Byzantine Orthodox Church.
The Byzantine Empire has an enduring fascination for all those who study it, and Warfare, State and Society is a colourful study of the central importance of warfare within it.
Subject Byzantine Empire. Stratos.
Military art and science -- Byzantine Empire.
Byzantine Empire -- History, Military.
Byzantine Empire -- Civilization.
ISBN 185728495X (paperback) £14.95