18805930 : Revue japonaise de didactique du français [electronic resource]
188059305x : Pattern language : clothing as communicator / Judith Hoos Fox, curator ; artists Mike Arauz ... [and others].
1880593084 : Mexico beyond its revolution = México más allá de su revolución : Tufts University Art Gallery, September 9-November 14, 2010 / curated by Adriana Zavala ; [project director, Amy Schlegel].
1880595060 : The remedy for poverty : essays on the moral foundation of effective charity / introduction by Marvin Olasky.
1880611880 : Genomic approaches for cross-species extrapolation in toxicology : proceedings from the Workshop on Emerging Molecular and Computational Approaches for Cross-Species Extrapolations, 18-22 July 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA / edited by William H. Benson and Richard T. Di Giulio.