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Title History of humanity.

Published London ; New York : Routledge ; Paris : Unesco, 1994-2008.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Store  909 HIST MF23  v.1    AVAILABLE
 UniM Store  909 HIST MF13  v.3    AVAILABLE
 UniM Store  909 HIST MF23  v.7    AVAILABLE
Physical description 7 volumes : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 31 cm.
Series Routledge reference.
Routledge reference.
Notes Vols. 3-7 have subtitle: Scientific and cultural development.
Prepared by the International Commission for the New Edition of the History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind.
Rev. ed. of: History of mankind / [International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind]. 1963-1969.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents v. 1. Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization / edited by S.J. De Laet ; co-edited by A.H. Dani, J.L. Lorenzo, R.B. Nunoo -- v. 2. From the third millennium to the seventh century B.C. / edited by A.H. Dani, J.-P. Mohen -- v. 3. From the seventh century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. / edited by Joachim Herrmann, Erik Zürcher. --v. 4. From the seventh to the sixteenth century / edited by M.A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S.M. Cissoko ; co-edited by M.S. Asimov, Y. Karayannpoulos, A. Gieysztor ... [et al.] -- v. 5. From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century / edited by Peter Burke, Halil Inalcik -- v. 6. The nineteenth century / edited by P. Mathias, N. Todorov ; co-edited by S. Al Mujahid ... [et al.] -- v. 7. The twentieth century / edited by Sarvepalli Gopal, Sergei L. Tikhvinsky.
Summary The "History of Humanity: The Nineteenth Century" sees the publication of the sixth and penultimate volume in the invaluable "History of Humanity" series published in association with UNESCO. With essays from an international team of specialist contributors Volume VI explores humankind's cultural and scientific development during the nineteenth century, covering such diverse aspects as the Industrial Revolution, religion, architecture and medicine, as well as looking in-depth at the changes that took place within each region of the world. The "History of Humanity: The Nineteenth Century" is an invaluable source of information for students and scholars of history and anthropology and includes special features such as maps and illustrations that complement the text making this volume highly readable. Collected as a whole, the series provides the user with a comprehensive guide to the history of different cultures across different periods of time.
Other author Laet, Sigfried J. de.
International Commission for the New Edition of the History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind.
International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind. History of mankind.
Subject History, Ancient.
World history.
Civilization -- History.
Civilisation History.
Civilisation History.
Reference works.
Reference works.
Variant Title Scientific and cultural development.
Other title Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization.
From the third millenium to the seventh century.
From the seventh century BC to the seventh century AD.
From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.
From the seventh to the sixteenth century.
Twentieth century.
ISBN 0415093058 (Routledge : v.1)
9231028103 (Unesco : v.1)
0415093082 (v.4) £95.00
9231028111 (Unesco : v.2)
0415093066 (Routledge : v.2)
923102812X (Unesco : v.3)
0415093074 (Routledge : v.3)
9231028138 (Unesco : v. 4)
9231028146 (Unesco : v.5)
0415093090 (Routledge : v.5)
0415093104 (Routledge : v. 6) £110.00
9231028154 (Unesco : v. 6) No price
0415093112 (Routledge : v. 7) £145.00
9231028162 (Unesco : v. 7) No price