9637074449 : Codex Caioni / edited by Saviana Diamandi ; introductory studies by Saviana Diamandi, Ágnes Papp.
9637074457 : Codex Caioni / edited by Saviana Diamandi ; introductory studies by Saviana Diamandi, Ágnes Papp.
9637149007 : Veterinary pharmacology toxicology and therapy in food producing animals : proceedings of the 4th congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology held in Budapest, August 28-September 2, 1988 / edited by Ference Simon, Peter Lees, Gábor Semjén.
9637149120 : Veterinary pharmacology toxicology and therapy in food producing animals : proceedings of the 4th congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology held in Budapest, August 28-September 2, 1988 / edited by Ference Simon, Peter Lees, Gábor Semjén.
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9637251456 : The Impact of the depression of the 1930s and its relevance for the contemporary world : comparative studies ... / edited by Ivan T. Berend and Knut Borchardt.
9637295100 : Symmetries of music : an introduction to semantics of music / Ernő Lendvai ; [compiled and edited by Miklós Szabó and Miklós Mohay]
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9637326006 : The Challenges of Sustained Development : The Role of Socio-cultural Factors in East-central Europe / ed. by Frane Adam, Matevž Tomšič, Borut Rončević, Matej Makarovic.