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Title The Routledge companion to epistemology / edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard.

Published New York : Routledge, 2011.


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 1 online resource (xxiii, 911 pages).
Series Routledge philosophy companions
Routledge companions
Routledge philosophy companions.
Routledge companions.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Foundational concepts. Truth / Michael P. Lynch -- Belief / Eric Schwitzgebel -- Epistemic justification / Jonathan L. Kvanvig -- Epistemic rationality / Richard Foley -- Epistemic norms / Pascal Engel -- Evidence / Timothy McGrew -- Disagreement / Bryan Frances -- Epistemic relativism / Paul Boghossian -- Understanding / Stephen R. Grimm -- Wisdom / Dennis Whitcomb -- Analysis of knowledge. Basing relation / Ram Neta -- Gettier problem / Stephen Hetherington -- Fallibilism / Trent Dougherty -- Externalism/internalism / Hamid Vahid -- Defeasibility theory / Thomas Gundmann -- Evidentialism / Daniel M. Mittag -- Reliabilism / Juan Comesan̋a -- Modal and anti-luck epistemology / Tim Black -- Virtue epistemology / Jonathan L. Kvanvig -- Knowledge first epistemology / Timothy Williamson -- Value problem / John Greco -- Structure of knowledge. Foundationalism / Michael DePaul -- Infinitism / Peter D. Klein -- Coherentism / Erik J. Olsson -- Kinds of knowledge. Inductive knowledge / Alexander Bird -- Priori knowledge / Laurence BonJour -- Perceptual knowledge / David Sosa -- Self-knowledge / Sanford Goldberg -- Testimonial knowledge / Jennifer Lackey -- Memory knowledge / Sven Bernecker -- Semantic knowledge / Peter Ludlow -- Scientific knowledge / Peter Achinstein.
Logical and mathematical knowledge / Otávio Bueno -- Aesthetic knowledge / Matthew Kieran -- Moral knowledge / Robert Audi -- Religious knowledge / Linda Zagzebski -- Skepticism. Phyrrhonian skepticism / Richard Bett -- Cartesian skepticism / Steven Luper -- Skeptical doubts about self-knowledge / Fred Dretske -- Skepticism about knowledge of other minds / Anita Avramides -- Skepticism about inductive knowledge / Joe Morrison -- Rule-following skepticism / Alexander Miller -- Moral skepticism / Geoffrey Sayre-McCord -- Responses to skepticism. Skepticism and anti-realism / Richard Schantz -- Skepticism and epistemic externalism / Richard Fumerton -- Skepticism and semantic externalism / Anthony Brueckner -- Knowledge and knowledge attributions. Contrastivism / Adam Morton -- Contextualism / Patrick Rysiew -- Relativism and knowledge attributions / John MacFarlane -- Epistemic modals / Josh Dever -- Pragmatic encroachment / Jeremy Fantl, Matthew McGrath -- Formal epistemology. Logic and formal semantics for epistemology / John Symons.
Second-order knowledge / Christoph Kelp, Nikolaj J.L.L. Pedersen -- Epistemic closure / Peter Baumann -- Bayesian epistemology / Stephan Hartmann, Jan Sprenger -- Theories of belief change / André Fuhrmann -- Knowability paradox / Joe Salerno -- History of epistemology. Plato / Timothy Chappell -- Aristotle / Richard Patterson -- René Descartes / Stephen Gaukroger -- John Locke / E.J. Lowe -- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz / Nicholas Jolley -- George Berkeley / George Pappas -- Thomas Reid / Ryan Nichols -- David Hume / Helen Beebee -- Immanuel Kant / Eckart Förster -- Bertrand Russell / William Demopoulos -- Ludwig Wittgenstein / Marie McGinn -- Rudolf Carnap / Thomas Uebel -- Willard van Orman Quine / Richard Creath -- John Langshaw Austin / Mark Kaplan -- Metaepistemological issues. Epistemology and the role of intuitions / William G. Lycan -- Experimental epistemology / Jonathan M. Weinberg -- Naturalistic epistemology / Klemens Kappel -- Evolutionary epistemology / Michael Bradie -- Pragmatist epistemology / Cheryl Misak -- Social epistemology / Martin Kusch -- Feminist epistemology / Alessandra Tanesini.
Summary "Epistemology, the philosophy of knowledge, is at the core of many of the central debates and issues in philosophy, interrogating the notions of truth, objectivity, trust, belief and perception. The Routledge Companion to Epistemology provides a comprehensive and the up-to-date survey of epistemology, charting its history, providing a thorough account of its key thinkers and movements, and addressing enduring questions and contemporary research in the field. Organized thematically, the Companion is divided into nine sections: Foundational Issues, The Analysis of Knowledge, The Structure of Knowledge, Kinds of Knowledge, Skepticism, Responses to Skepticism, Knowledge and Knowledge Attributions, Formal Epistemology, The History of Epistemology, and Metaepistemological Issues. Seventy-eight chapters, each between 5000 and 7000 words and written by the world's leading epistemologists, provide students with an outstanding and accessible guide to the field. Designed to fit the most comprehensive syllabus in the discipline, this text will be an indispensible resource for anyone interested in this central area of philosophy"--Provided by publisher.
Other author Bernecker, Sven.
Pritchard, Duncan.
Subject Knowledge, Theory of.
Handbooks and manuals.
Guides et manuels.
Variant Title Companion to epistemology
ISBN 9780203839065 (electronic bk.)
0203839064 (electronic bk.)
9780415962193 (hardcover)
0415962196 (hardcover)