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Author Brunelli, Roberto, 1961-

Title Template matching techniques in computer vision : theory and practice / Roberto Brunelli.

Published Chichester, U.K. : Wiley, 2009.


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 1 online resource (x, 338 pages) : illustrations
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision; CONTENTS; Preface; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Template Matching and Computer Vision; 1.2 The Book; 1.3 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 2 The Imaging Process; 2.1 Image Creation; 2.1.1 Light; 2.1.2 Gathering Light; 2.1.3 Diffraction-limited Systems; 2.1.4 Quantum Noise; 2.2 Biological Eyes; 2.2.1 The Human Eye; 2.2.2 Alternative Designs; 2.3 Digital Eyes; 2.4 Digital Image Representations; 2.4.1 The Sampling Theorem; 2.4.2 Image Resampling; 2.4.3 Log-polar Mapping; 2.5 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 3 Template Matching as Testing
3.1 Detection and Estimation3.2 Hypothesis Testing; 3.2.1 The Bayes Risk Criterion; 3.2.2 The Neyman-Pearson Criterion; 3.3 An Important Example; 3.4 A Signal Processing Perspective: Matched Filters; 3.5 Pattern Variability and the Normalized Correlation Coefficient; 3.6 Estimation; 3.6.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation; 3.6.2 Bayes Estimation; 3.6.3 James-Stein Estimation; 3.7 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 4 Robust Similarity Estimators; 4.1 Robustness Measures; 4.2 M-estimators; 4.3 L1 Similarity Measures; 4.4 Robust Estimation of Covariance Matrices; 4.5 Bibliographical Remarks
7.1 Getting Shapes: Edge Detection7.2 The Radon Transform; 7.3 The Hough Transform: Line and Circle Detection; 7.4 The Generalized Hough Transform; 7.5 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 8 Low-dimensionality Representations and Matching; 8.1 Principal Components; 8.1.1 Probabilistic PCA; 8.1.2 How Many Components?; 8.2 A Nonlinear Approach: Kernel PCA; 8.3 Independent Components; 8.4 Linear Discriminant Analysis; 8.4.1 Bayesian Dual Spaces; 8.5 A Sample Application: Photographic-quality Facial Composites; 8.6 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 9 Deformable Templates
9.1 A Dynamic Perspective on the Hough Transform9.2 Deformable Templates; 9.3 Active Shape Models; 9.4 Diffeomorphic Matching; 9.5 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 10 Computational Aspects of Template Matching; 10.1 Speed; 10.1.1 Early Jump-out; 10.1.2 The Use of Sum Tables; 10.1.3 Hierarchical Template Matching; 10.1.4 Metric Inequalities; 10.1.5 The FFT Advantage; 10.1.6 PCA-based Speed-up; 10.1.7 A Combined Approach; 10.2 Precision; 10.2.1 A Perturbative Approach; 10.2.2 Phase Correlation; 10.3 Bibliographical Remarks; References; 11 Matching Point Sets: The Hausdorff Distance
Summary The detection and recognition of objects in images is a key research topic in the computer vision community. Within this area, face recognition and interpretation has attracted increasing attention owing to the possibility of unveiling human percept.
Subject Computer vision.
Template matching (Digital image processing)
Image processing -- Digital techniques.
Optical pattern recognition.
Image analysis.
ISBN 9780470744048 (electronic bk.)
0470744049 (electronic bk.)
9780470517062 (cloth)
0470517069 (cloth)
Standard Number 10.1002/9780470744055