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Author Wright, Jan R.

Title Introduction to aircraft aeroelasticity and loads Jan R. Wright, Jonathan E. Cooper.

Published Chichester,England ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, c2007.


Location Call No. Status
Edition 1st edition.
Physical description 1 online resource (559 p.).
Series Aerospace series
Aerospace series (Chichester, England)
Notes Description based upon print version of record.
Contents Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads; Contents; Preface; Introduction; Abbreviations; Part I Background Material; 1 Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems; 1.1 Setting up Equations of Motion for Single DoF Systems; 1.2 Free Vibration of Single DoF Systems; 1.3 Forced Vibration of Single DoF Systems; 1.4 Harmonic Forced Vibration -- Frequency Response Functions; 1.5 Transient/Random Forced Vibration -- Time Domain Solution; 1.6 Transient Forced Vibration -- Frequency Domain Solution; 1.7 Random Forced Vibration -- Frequency Domain Solution; 1.8 Examples
2 Vibration of Multiple Degree of Freedom Systems2.1 Setting up Equations of Motion; 2.2 Undamped Free Vibration; 2.3 Damped Free Vibration; 2.4 Transformation to Modal Coordinates; 2.5 'Free-Free' Systems; 2.6 Harmonic Forced Vibration; 2.7 Transient/Random Forced Vibration -- Time Domain Solution; 2.8 Transient Forced Vibration -- Frequency Domain Solution; 2.9 Random Forced Vibration -- Frequency Domain Solution; 2.10 Examples; 3 Vibration of Continuous Systems -- Assumed Shapes Approach; 3.1 Rayleigh-Ritz 'Assumed Shapes' Method; 3.2 Generalized Equations of Motion -- Basic Approach
3.3 Generalized Equations of Motion -- Matrix Approach3.4 Generating Aircraft 'Free-Free' Modes from 'Branch' Modes; 3.5 Whole Aircraft 'Free-Free' Modes; 3.6 Examples; 4 Vibration of Continuous Systems -- Discretization Approach; 4.1 Introduction to the Finite Element (FE) Approach; 4.2 Formulation of the Beam Bending Element; 4.3 Assembly and Solution for a Structure with Beam Elements; 4.4 Torsion Element; 4.5 Combined Bending/Torsion element; 4.6 Comments on Modelling; 4.7 Examples; 5 Introduction to Steady Aerodynamics; 5.1 The Standard Atmosphere
5.2 Effect of Air Speed on Aerodynamic Characteristics5.3 Flows and Pressures Around a Symmetric Aerofoil; 5.4 Forces on an Aerofoil; 5.5 Variation of Lift for an Aerofoil at an Angle of Incidence; 5.6 Pitching Moment Variation and the Aerodynamic Centre; 5.7 Lift on a Three-Dimensional Wing; 5.8 Drag on a Three-Dimensional Wing; 5.9 Control Surfaces; 5.10 Supersonic Aerodynamics -- Piston Theory; 5.11 Transonic Flows; 5.12 Examples; 6 Introduction to Loads; 6.1 Laws of Motion; 6.2 D'Alembert's Principle -- Inertia Forces and Couples; 6.3 Externally Applied/reactive Loads
6.4 Free Body Diagrams6.5 Internal Loads; 6.6 Internal Loads for Continuous Representation of a Structure; 6.7 Internal Loads for Discretized Representation of a Structure; 6.8 Intercomponent Loads; 6.9 Obtaining Stresses from Internal Loads -- Structural Members with Simple Load Paths; 6.10 Examples; 7 Introduction to Control; 7.1 Open and Closed Loop Systems; 7.2 Laplace Transforms; 7.3 Modelling of Open and Closed Loop Systems Using Laplace and Frequency Domains; 7.4 Stability of Systems; 7.5 PID Control; 7.6 Examples; Part II Introduction to Aeroelasticity and Loads
8 Static Aeroelasticity -- Effect of Wing Flexibility on Lift Distribution and Divergence
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. [491]-493) and index.
Summary Aircraft performance is influenced significantly both by aeroelastic phenomena, arising from the interaction of elastic, inertial and aerodynamic forces, and by load variations resulting from flight and ground manoeuvres and gust / turbulence encounters. There is a strong link between aeroelasticity and loads, and these topics have become increasingly integrated in recent years. Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads introduces the reader to the main principles involved in a wide range of aeroelasticity and loads topics. Divided into three sections, the book begins by revi.
Language notes English.
Other author Cooper, Jonathan E.
Subject Aeroelasticity.
ISBN 1281319775