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Author Hacker, Paul, 1913-1979.

Title Philology and confrontation : Paul Hacker on traditional and modern vedanta / edited by Wilhelm Halbfass.

Published Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, [1995]


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail  181.48 HACK    AVAILABLE
Physical description viii, 369 pages ; 23 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Foreword / Lambert Schmithausen -- Introduction: An Uncommon Orientalist: Paul Hacker's Passage to India / Wilhelm Halbfass -- I. Sankara and the Tradition of Advaita Vedanta: Philological Explorations. 1. On Sankara and Advaitism. 2. Relations of Early Advaitins to Vaisnavism. 3. Sankaracarya and Sankarabhagavatpada: Preliminary Remarks Concerning the Authorship Problem. 4. Distinctive Features of the Doctrine and Terminology of Sankara: Avidya, Namarupa, Maya, Isvara. 5. Sankara the Yogin and Sankara the Advaitin: Some Observations -- II. Nondualism and Its Implications: Understanding and Confrontation. 6. The Theory of Degrees of Reality in Advaita Vedanta. 7. The Idea of the Person in the Thinking of Vedanta Philosophers. 8. Sankara's Conception of Man. 9. Being and Spirit in Vedanta. 10. Cit and Nous, or the Concept of Spirit in Vedantism and in Neoplatonism -- III. Neo-Hinduism and Modern Vedanta: Studies in Reinterpretation.
11. Aspects of Neo-Hinduism as Contrasted with Surviving Traditional Hinduism. 12. The Concept of Dharma in Neo-Hinduism. 13. Schopenhauer and Hindu Ethics. 14. Vivekananda's Religious Nationalism. 15. A Prasthanatraya Commentary of Neo-Hinduism: Remarks on the Work of Radhakrishnan.
Other author Halbfass, Wilhelm, 1940-2000.
Subject Vedanta.
ISBN 0791425827 (PB : acid free)
0791425819 (CH : acid free)