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9780890051160 : Saxa loquuntur : a bibliography of epigraphic publications on Greek inscriptions / J.J.E. Hondius.  1976 1
9780890051207 : The form of the ancient Greek letter of the epistolary papyri, 3rd c. B.C. - 3rd c. A.D. : a study in Greek epistolography / by Francis Xavier J. Exler.  1976 1
9780890051245 : The Riviera, ancient and modern : an introduction to the archaeology, history and topography of the southern coast of France / by Charles Lentheric. Tr. by Charles West.  1976 1
9780890051719 : Inscriptiones graecae Ptolemaicae : Sammlung griechischer Ptolemäer-Inschriften IGP I, SGPI.  1976 1
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9780890051757 : Ora maritima, or, Description of the seacoast (from Brittany round to Massilia) / Rufus Festus Avienus ; Latin text with facing English translation, commentary, notes, indices and facsimile of the Editio princeps / by J.P. Murphy.  1977 1
9780890051788 : The ancient amber routes and the geographical discovery of the Eastern Baltic / by Arnolds Spekke.  1976 1
9780890051801 : Periplus, or, Circumnavigation of Africa / Hanno the Carthaginian ; [edited] by Al. N. Oikonomides and M.C.J. Miller ; with extracts from W.H Scoff, E.A. Bunbury and R. Harris ; and the complete edition by C. Müller.  1995 1
9780890052082 : Craterus : the fragments from his collection of Athenian decrees : Psēphismatōn Synagōgē : de Crateri Psephismaton Synagoge et de locis aliquot Plutarchi ex ea petitis / Paulus Krech.  1979 1
9780890052105 : The Attic pyxis / by Sally Rutherfurd Roberts.  1978 1
9780890052150 : Ancient Athens, Piraeus & Phaleron : literary and epigraphical testimonia on their topography, cults, monuments, and ekistic history - Schriftquellen zur Topographie von Athen / by A. Mil[c]hhoefer ; with a pref., select bibliography and indices in English by Al. N. Oikonomides.  1977 1
9780890052235 : Slaves in ancient Greece : slaves from Greek manumission inscriptions / by Linda Collins Reilly.  1978 1
9780890052341 : Syria and Egypt from the Tell et Amarna letters / by W.M. Flinders Petrie.  1978 1
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