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Title Investment report 2021/2022 : recovery as a springboard for change.

Published Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, [2022]


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 1 online resource.
Series EIB investment report 2021/2022, 2599-8277
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Summary The massive resources the European Union is unleashing to rebuild after COVID-19 present a unique opportunity to deal with climate change and improve the ability of firms and individuals to compete in a more digital world. The Investment Report 2021/2022 examines how government interventions helped support investment and enabled firms to weather the crisis. The report's analysis is based on a unique set of databases and data from a survey of 12 500 firms conducted in the summer of 2021.
Other author European Investment Bank.
Subject Economics.
activity report.
ISBN 9789286151552
Standard Number 10.2867/82061