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Title The mediaeval manuscripts / Lambeth Palace Library.

Published London : World Microfilms, 1974-.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bund MIC  4142 4119 {Bund8A L1:L}  R.1-6 ; Sect. 1  REQUEST TO VIEW AT BAILL  AVAILABLE
 UniM Bund MIC  4142 4120 {Bund8A L1:L}  R.7-16 ; Sect. 1  REQUEST TO VIEW AT BAILL  AVAILABLE
 UniM Bund MIC  4142 4121 {Bund8A L1:L}  R.17 ; Setc. 1 ; R.1-8 ; Sect. 3  REQUEST TO VIEW AT BAILL  AVAILABLE
 UniM Bail MIC  016.091 LAMB  guide    NOT FOR LOAN
Uniform title Lambeth Palace. Library. Manuscript.
Physical description 171 microfilm reels : some colour ; 4 in., 35 mm + 1 guide
Notes "The full detailed title and description of each manuscript is to be found in M R James "Descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace", Cambridge, 1932".
Section I. Old English, French, etc.--Section II. Law manuscripts--Section III. Illuminated manuscripts--Section IV. Humanistic studies--Section V.Theology--Section VI. Biblical studies--Section VII. Liturgy--Section VIII. Patristics.
Subject Manuscripts on microfilm.