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Author Kissinger, Henry, 1923-2023.

Title Diplomacy / Henry Kissinger.

Published New York : Simon & Schuster, [1994]


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 912 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 837-872) and index.
Contents 1. The New World Order -- 2. The Hinge: Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson -- 3. From Universality to Equilibrium: Richelieu, William of Orange, and Pitt -- 4. The Concert of Europe: Great Britain, Austria, and Russia -- 5. Two Revolutionaries: Napoleon III and Bismarck -- 6. Realpolitik Turns on Itself -- 7. A Political Doomsday Machine: European Diplomacy Before the First World War -- 8. Into the Vortex: The Military Doomsday Machine -- 9. The New Face of Diplomacy: Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles -- 10. The Dilemmas of the Victors -- 11. Stresemann and the Re-emergence of the Vanquished -- 12. The End of Illusion: Hitler and the Destruction of Versailles -- 13. Stalin's Bazaar -- 14. The Nazi-Soviet Pact -- 15. America Re-enters the Arena: Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- 16. Three Approaches to Peace: Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill in World War II -- 17. The Beginning of the Cold War -- 18. The Success and the Pain of Containment.
19. The Dilemma of Containment: The Korean War -- 20. Negotiating with the Communists: Adenauer, Churchill, and Eisenhower -- 21. Leapfrogging Containment: The Suez Crisis -- 22. Hungary: Upheaval in the Empire -- 23. Krushchev's Ultimatum: The Berlin Crisis 1958-63 -- 24. Concepts of Western Unity: Macmillan, de Gaulle, Eisenhower, and Kennedy -- 25. Vietnam: Entry into the Morass; Truman and Eisenhower -- 26. Vietnam: On the Road to Despair; Kennedy, and Johnson -- 27. Vietnam: The Extrication; Nixon -- 28. Foreign Policy as Geopolitics: Nixon's Triangular Diplomacy -- 29. Detente and Its Discontents -- 30. The End of the Cold War: Reagan and Gorbachev -- 31. The New World Order Reconsidered.
Summary In a brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive book, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger explains the art of diplomacy and reveals why Americans have historically repudiated both the style and substance of diplomacy as it is practiced throughout the world. 30 pages of photos. QBPC Alternate.
Subject Diplomacy.
United States -- Foreign relations administration.
ISBN 067165991X
0671510991 (paperback)