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Title Eucalypt ecology : individuals to ecosystems / edited by Jann E. Williams, John C.Z. Woinarski.

Published Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM ERC  583.766 EUCA    DUE 31-01-25 BILLED
 UniM ERC  583.42 EUCA    DUE 27-04-25
 UniM Cres  583.7660994 EUCA    IN TRANSIT
 UniM Burnley  583.42 EUCA    1 HOLD
 UniM Cres  583.7660994 EUCA    AVAILABLE
Physical description xii, 430 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents 1. Eucalypts: an introduction / Jann E. Williams and M. Ian H. Brooker -- 2. Phylogenetic history and classification of eucalypts / Pauline Y. Ladiges -- 3. Reproductive biology of eucalypts / Susan M. House --4. Eucalypt genetics and genecology / Brad M. Potts and Robert J. E. Wiltshire -- 5. Evolutionary biogeography and contemporary distribution of eucalypts / Grant W. Wardell-Johnson, Jann E. Williams and Ken D. Hill [et al.] -- 6. Modelling environmental and temporal niches of eucalypts / Mike P. Austin, Juli G. Pausas and Ian R. Noble -- 7. Eucalypts and fires: interdependent or independent? / A. Malcolm Gill -- 8. Eucalypt ecophysiology / David T. Bell and Jann E. Williams -- 9. Nutrient cycling in eucalypt ecosystems / Heather Keith -- 10. Vascular plant -eucalypt interactions / Jamie B. Kirkpatrick -- 11. Fungal diversity and ecology in eucalypt ecosystems /Tom W. May and Jack A. Simpson.
12. Invertebrates of eucalypt formations / Jonathan D. Majer, Harry F. Recher and A. Bruce Wellington [et al.] -- 13. Vertebrates of eucalypt formations / John C. Z. Woinarski, Harry F. Recher and Jonathan D. Majer -- 14. Herbivory: interactions between eucalypts and the vertebrates and invertebrates that feed on them /Jill J. Landsberg and Steven J. Cork -- 15. Conservation and management of eucalypt ecosystems /Tony W. Norton -- 16. Eucalypt ecology: overview and outlook / Jann E. Williams and John C. Z. Woinarski.
Other author Williams, Jann.
Woinarski, John, 1955-
Subject Eucalyptus -- Ecology -- Australia.
Eucalyptus -- Australia.
ISBN 052149740X (hardback)