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Author Crampton, R. J.

Title Eastern Europe in the twentieth century and after / R.J. Crampton.

Published London ; New York : Routledge, 1997.


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Edition 2nd ed.
Physical description xx, 526 pages
Notes Originally published: Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. London ; New York : Routledge, 1994.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents 1. Before the Twentieth Century -- Pt. I. The inter-war period. 2. The Inter-War Years: An Introductory Survey. 3. Poland, 1918-39. 4. Czechoslovakia, 1918-38. 5. Hungary, 1918-41. 6. The Baltic States, 1918-40. 7. Romania, 1918-41. 8. Bulgaria, 1918-41. 9. Yugoslavia, 1918-41. 10. Albania, 1918-39. 11. Ideological Currents in the Inter-War Period -- Pt. II. Totalitarianism. 12. The Second World War in Eastern Europe. 13. The Communist Takeovers. 14. The Communist System. 15. East European Stalinism, 1948-53. 16. The Retreat from Stalinism, 1953-6 -- Pt. III. Revisionism. 17. Eastern Europe, 1956-68. 18. Czechoslovakia, 1968-9 -- Pt. IV. The decline of socialism. 19. Eastern Europe, 1969-80. 20. The Solidarity Crisis, Poland 1980-1 -- Pt. V. The death of socialism. 21. Eastern Europe, 1980-9. 22. The Revolutions of 1989-91 -- Pt. VI. After the twentieth century - and after eastern Europe? 23. Separate Roads to Democracy - and Elsewhere.
Summary The second edition of "Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century" is an ideal introduction to an important area which is as diverse and diffuse as it is interesting and important. Richard Crampton extends his coverage through the revolutions of 1989-1991 up to today, and places these revolutions in the context of each country's historical tradition. He also develops themes such as how to create a democracy and maintain a functioning market economy; the resurgence of nationalism, war and the emergence of organized crime in the fragmented ex-empire. The revised edition also contains an up-to-date bibliography and extended examination of the breakdown of stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Subject Europe, Eastern -- History -- 20th century.
Variant Title Eastern Europe in the 20th century and after.
ISBN 0415164230 (paperback)