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Title Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing / editor: Kelly Boyd.

Published Chicago, Ill. : Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1999.


Location Call No. Status
 UniM Bail REF  907.202 ENCY  v. 1    NOT FOR LOAN
 UniM Bail REF  907.202 ENCY  v. 2    NOT FOR LOAN
Physical description 2 volumes ; 29 cm
Notes Includes index.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Contents v. 1. A-L -- v. 2. M-Z.
Summary Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing includes more than 800 entries, ranging from Lord Acton and Anna Komnene to Howard Zinn, and from Herodotus to Simon Schama.
More than 300 contributors from around the world have provided critical assessments of historians from the beginning of historical writing to the present day, including individuals from related disciplines such as Jurgen Habermas and Clifford Geertz whose theoretical contributions have informed historical debate.
Additionally, the Encyclopedia includes some 200 essays that treat the development of national, regional and topical historiographies, from the Ancient Near East to the history of sexuality.
Besides its coverage of the Western tradition in history, Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing also includes substantial assessments of African, Asian and Latin American historians as well as numerous topic entries on such subjects as gender and subaltern studies.
Other author Boyd, Kelly.
Subject Historians -- Encyclopedias.
ISBN 1884964338