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Author Jokisch, Benjamin.

Title Islamic Imperial Law : Harun-Al-Rashid's Codification Project / Benjamin Jokisch.

Published Berlin ;Boston : De Gruyter, [2011]


Location Call No. Status
Physical description 1 online resource (766p.)
Series Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients ; N.F. 19
Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients ; N.F. 19.
Contents Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Contents -- Introduction -- Part I. The Origins of Islamic Law -- Preliminaries -- Chapter 1: Special Indicators of Reception -- Chapter 2: Circumstances of Reception -- Chapter 3: Comparative Analysis -- Part II. Islamic Imperial Law -- Preliminaries -- Chapter 4: Ideological Basis -- Chapter 5: Codification and Dissemination -- Part III. From Imperial to Jurists' Law -- Preliminaries -- Chapter 6: The Byzantine Factor -- Chapter 7: The Origins of Uṣūl al-fiqh -- Chapter 8: The Islamic Organon -- Conclusion -- Appendix 1: Cases -- Appendix 2: Judges -- Appendix 3: Terms -- Abbreviations -- Bibliography -- Index of Persons
Summary Despite the historical and contemporary significance of the Sharia, it has not yet been possible to solve the puzzle of its origins. Whereas previous research has postulated a greater or lesser degree of endogenous Islamic development, the present study reaches a different conclusion, namely that at the end of the 8th century Muslim state lawyers in Baghdad codified an Islamic "Imperial Law", oriented strongly towards Roman-Byzantine law. It is part of an Islamic-Byzantine context, and can only be explained against this intercultural background.
Die bisherige Forschung geht davon aus, dass das islamische Recht von unabhängigen Juristen entwickelt wurde. Dabei sind mitunter Einflüsse aus fremden Rechtssystemen eingeräumt worden, doch eine gezielte Rezeption galt stets als ausgesc.
Language notes In English.
Subject Islamic law -- History -- To 1500.
ISBN 9783110924343
Standard Number 10.1515/9783110924343