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Connect to: Westlaw UK
Database Name Westlaw UK
Other Database Name WestlawUK
  Thomson Reuters
Description Westlaw UK gives you access to vast but easily searchable databases of case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentary, current awareness alerts and EU legal materials.
Access Information At the Westlaw UK sign in page click on Access through OpenAthens which is located underneath the username & password area.
  Please be aware that use of this database is governed by an external privacy policy. More information here.
Subject Walk-in Users
  Databases Beginning with W
Text & Data Mining Permissions and restrictions
Authorized Users University of Melbourne staff and students have access to this electronic resource. Walk-in users on the Library premises also have access to this electronic resource.
Print Yes : reasonable portion
Download Yes : reasonable portion
E-Reserves/LMS Yes : no more than 25 complete articles, cases or commentaries; or any number of insubstantial portions accompanied by a link to the item on Westlaw
Scholarly Sharing No
Course Pack Yes : no more than 25 complete articles, cases or commentaries; or any number of insubstantial portions accompanied by a link to the item on Westlaw
Walk-in Users Yes
Interlibrary Loans Yes : by post, fax or secure electronic transmission to non-commercial libraries, on an infrequent, irregular and ad hoc basis, distribute limited extracts of content